




2024年08月21日,Frontiers Conversations(前沿面临面)线上勾当将在北京时候18:00和大师碰头。Frontiers Conversations 是由 Frontiers 主办的系列在线钻研会,该勾当将按期约请范畴内专家就学术进展和期刊成长等热门话题与泛博学者进行分享与交换。

本期Frontiers Conversations 约请到Frontiers in Medicine(IF: 3.1|CiteScore: 5.1)期刊主编(Field Chief Editor)布鲁塞尔自由年夜学(Institut pour lInnovation Interdisciplinaire en Sant , Universit Libre de Bruxelles)的Michel Goldman传授、期刊栏目主编(Specialty Chief Editor)复旦年夜学从属中山病院的白春学传授,浙江年夜学医学院从属邵逸夫病院的章仲恒传授和期刊栏目助理主编(Assistant Specialty Chief Editor)复旦年夜学从属中山病院的杨达伟传授 四位将环绕Best Practices to Publish in Frontiers in Medicine睁开分享。


Michel Goldman Professor

Institut pour lInnovation Interdisciplinaire en Sant , Universit Libre de Bruxelles

Michel Goldman, MD, PhD, is the Founding President of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation in healthcare at the Universit libre de Bruxelles. He currently serves as Field Chief Editor of the journal Frontiers in Medicine and was the first Executive Director of the European Innovative Medicines Initiative from 2009 to 2014. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium and of the National Academy of Pharmacy in France.

Author of over 450 scientific publications in the fields of clinical medicine and immunology, he now works with Belgian and French economists on issues of innovation and access to medicines. He is the author of the book La m decine dapr s, le ons du Covid-19 , published by the Acad mie Royale de Belgique, and edited the collective work Les vaccins, ce que tu dois savoir .

Michel Goldman is a laureate of the Lucien Steinberg Prize (shared with Pr. Peter Piot, 1997), of the Quinquennial Prize of the Belgian National Fund of Scientific Research (2000), and of the Spinoza chair at the University of Amsterdam (2001). In 2007, he was awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universit of Lille. In 2024, Michel Goldman was the recipient of the Blaise Pascal Medal for Medicine and Life Sciences awarded by the European Academy of Sciences.


Best practices to publish in Frontiers in Medicine

In this presentation, we will first underline the key features of Frontiers in Medicine, emphasizing that the journal is the right vehicle for open access publishing of original innovative findings and key messages relevant to clinical practice and patient care.

As a multidisciplinary journal, Frontiers in Medicine is organized in sections dedicated to the following areas of modern medicine: dermatology, family medicine and primary care, gastroenterology, gene and cell therapy, geriatric medicine, healthcare professions education, hematology, hepatobiliary diseases; infectious diseases: pathogenesis and therapy, intensive care medicine and anesthesiology, nephrology, nuclear medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, pathology, precision medicine, pulmonary medicine, regulatory science, rheumatology and translational medicine. Each section is led by a Specialty Chief Editor.

We will explain the different types of papers that can be considered, focusing on original research articles.

We will then review the different steps to follow in preparing a paper, including:

1. Identify the key novel messages that you wish to deliver on a given topic

2. Identify the appropriate section of the journal where the paper will be submitted

3. Understand the journal s requirement

4. Perform a comprehensive literature review on existing knowledge in the field, to document the novelty of your findings and message.

5. Ensure that your data are robust and reproducible

6. Check that all ethical requirements are fulfilled

7. Organize your paper as follows:

a. Title: must be concise, informative, and catchy

b. Abstract: It should tell prospective readers the objective of your research and what the important findings of your work are. It should summarize the methods, the results obtained and the conclusions reached.

c. Introduction: should explain the scope of the research, what is already known in the field and state the objectives of your study.

d. Methods: Should describe the study design and the interventions, Data collection. and data analysis in detail.

e. Results: Present your findings clearly and logically, using tables and figures where appropriate.

f. Discussion: Interpret your results, discuss their implications, and relate them to existing knowledge. Address limitations and suggest areas for future research.

g. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and their significance.

白春学 传授


复旦年夜学从属中山病院毕生声誉传授,现任上海市呼吸病研究所所长,中国肺癌防治同盟主席,国际元宇宙医学协会( https://www.iamm.org.cn)主席,上海市控烟协会会长、《Clinicale-Health》和《元宇宙医学》杂志主编、Frontiersin Medicine 呼吸病学栏目主编和 AJRCCM 等编委。获国度天然科学基金重年夜、重点和面上等撑持,牵头亚太肺结节指南等国表里共鸣指南 30 项,获批专利 50 项,研发成功全球首个数字人医学 GPT(获批注册商标 7 项)和 HZ 肺结节和 OSA 评估治理一体机,颁发论著 700 篇,含 SCI 期刊 320 篇,IF 1700,援用 2万次,h-指数 55,主编《将来已来-我们需要的元宇宙医学》、《物联网医学》、《现代呼吸病学》、《Health 4.0》等中英文专著 12 部。

杨达伟 副主任医师、副研究员


复旦年夜学从属中山病院副主任医师、副研究员,上海呼吸物联网医学工程手艺研究中间副主任,上海市呼吸病研究所物联网医学研究室副主任,国际肺癌研究协会(IASLC)预防、筛查和初期检测委员会委员,获国度天然科学面上、福建省卓异青年基金、上海市浦江人材打算等撑持,牵头国际元宇宙医学指南等国表里共鸣指南7项,获批专利 15 项,颁发论著 109 篇,此中 SCI期刊 61 篇,IF 500,援用 1500次,h-指数 22,在国内起首开设元宇宙医学课程(复旦年夜学通识焦点课程)。

章仲恒 主任医师、副传授



首要从事急危重症的临床年夜数据科研工作,最近几年来已前后在 ICM、CCM 等权势巨子期刊颁发 SCI 论著 60 多篇,被引跨越 8000 次,H 指数 42。Frontiers in Medicine 栏目主编;Computers in Biology and Medicine、Renal Failure等期刊编委;BMJ、Lancet Respiratory medicine、Critical Care Medicine、ICM 等杂志审稿人。

主持年夜数据人工智能标的目的国度天然科学基金2项,科技部重点研发(子)课题 2 项;入选浙江年夜学医学院临床拔尖人材培养打算、浙江省医坛新秀培养项目、入选2021/2022 爱思唯尔高被引学者。


Josh Kellie师长教师

Frontiers in Medicine

Josh is the Journal Manager of Frontiers in Medicine, leading a publishing team of 35 experts, running commissioning, research ethics peer review. He works with a team of 26 Chief Editors across 20 medical disciplines to define the strategic direction of the journal.

Josh has a Masters of Natural Science from the University of Cambridge, and has previously managed several of Frontiers physical science and engineering products, including Frontiers in Nanotechnology and Frontiers in Energy Research. His main interests in academic publishing are tackling interdisciplinary topics and making his journals as inclusive as possible.


Frontiers 医学与脑科学组

Yanan Li holds a Master of Public Health from Brown University. Yanan joined Frontiers in 2020 as a Content Specialist and has since progressed to the role of Content Manager in 2022, overseeing a team and contributing to the strategic business growth and scientific success of Health and Biomedical journals. During a maternity cover term as Customer Experience Manager, Yanan led initiatives to strengthen customer relations and ensure research integrity.


Frontiers in Medicine 是瑞士出书社 Frontiers 旗下的开放获得期刊。本注销版颠末严酷同业评审的医学相干文章,涵盖了普遍的医学范畴,旨在提高临床实践和病人护理,强调将科学进辗转化为新的医治方式或诊断东西的研究。该期刊重点介绍将根本研究与临床利用相连系的研究,特殊是那些直接影响病人护理的研究。

期刊首要存眷以下 20 个标的目的:

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