
Nature, 18 July 2024, Volume 631 Issue 8021


材料科学Materials Science

Electron holography observation of individual ferrimagnetic lattice planes


▲ 作者:Toshiaki Tanigaki, Tetsuya Akashi et al.






▲ Abstract:

Here we report that the magnetic fields of an individual lattice plane inside materials with a non-uniform structure can be observed under magnetic-field-free conditions by electron holography with a hardware-type aberration corrector assisted by post-digital aberration correction. The magnetic phases of the net magnetic moments of (111) lattice planes formed by opposite spin orderings between Fe3+ and Mo5+ in a ferrimagnetic double-perovskite oxide (Ba2FeMoO6) were successfully observed. This result opens the door to direct observations of the magnetic lattice in local areas, such as interfaces and grain boundaries, in many materials and devices.


Sunlight-powered sustained flight of an ultralight micro aerial vehicle


▲ 作者:Wei Shen, Jinzhe Peng et al.





在此,为领会决这些问题,我们推出静电飞翔器CoulombFly,它由30.7 g W-1的高升力—功率效力的静电驱动推动系统和功耗低至0.568 W的超轻千伏电源系统构成,以实现太阳能驱动的MAVs在天然光照前提下(920 W m-2)的延续飞翔。


▲ Abstract:

Sunlight power is a potential alternative to improve the endurance of ultralight MAVs, but owing to the restricted payload capacity of the vehicle and low lift-to-power efficiency of traditional propulsion systems, previous studies have not achieved untethered sustained flight of MAVs fully powered by natural sunlight. Here, to address these challenges, we introduce the CoulombFly, an electrostatic flyer consisting of an electrostatic-driven propulsion system with a high lift-to-power efficiency of 30.7 g W-1 and an ultralight kilovolt power system with a low power consumption of 0.568?W, to realize solar-powered sustained flight of an MAV under natural sunlight conditions (920 W m-2). The vehicle’s total mass is only 4.21?g, within 1/600 of the existing lightest sunlight-powered aerial vehicle.


Mechanical release of homogenous proteins from supramolecular gels


▲ 作者:Simona Bianco, Muhammad Hasan et al.





年夜份子可以在不影响释放机制的环境下以高达10 wt%的重量加载。这类怪异的不变性和无赋形剂释放协同感化供给了一种适用的、可扩大的和通用的解决方案,使低本钱、无冷链和公允的全球医治交付成为可能。

▲ Abstract:

Here we designed a stiff hydrogel that stabilizes proteins against thermal denaturation even at 50°C, and that can, unlike present technologies, deliver pure, excipient-free protein by mechanically releasing it from a syringe. Macromolecules can be loaded at up to 10wt% without affecting the mechanism of release. This unique stabilization and excipient-free release synergy offers a practical, scalable and versatile solution to enable the low-cost, cold-chain-free and equitable delivery of therapies worldwide.

Chemical reservoir computation in a self-organizing reaction network


▲ 作者:Mathieu G. Baltussen, Thijs J. de Jong et al.






▲ Abstract:

Here we report on the discovery and implementation of a chemical reservoir computer based on the formose reaction. We demonstrate how this complex, self-organizing chemical reaction network can perform several nonlinear classification tasks in parallel, predict the dynamics of other complex systems and achieve time-series forecasting. This in chemico information processing system provides proof of principle for the emergent computational capabilities of complex chemical reaction networks, paving the way for a new class of biomimetic information processing systems.


Human degradation of tropical moist forests is greater than previously estimated


▲ 作者:C. Bourgoin, G. Ceccherini et al.







▲ Abstract:

Here we quantify the magnitude and persistence of multiple types of degradation on forest structure by combining satellite remote sensing data on pantropical moist forest cover changes with estimates of canopy height and biomass from spaceborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR). We estimate that forest height decreases owing to selective logging and fire by 15% and 50%, respectively, with low rates of recovery even after 20 years. Agriculture and road expansion trigger a 20% to 30% reduction in canopy height and biomass at the forest edge, with persistent effects being measurable up to 1.5km inside the forest. Edge effects encroach on 18% (approximately 206 Mha) of the remaining tropical moist forests, an area more than 200% larger than previously estimated. Finally, degraded forests with more than 50% canopy loss are significantly more vulnerable to subsequent deforestation. Collectively, our findings call for greater efforts to prevent degradation and protect already degraded forests to meet the conservation pledges made at recent United Nations Climate Change and Biodiversity conferences.


Giant stem tetrapod was apex predator in Gondwanan late Palaeozoic ice age


▲ 作者:Claudia A. Marsicano, Jason D. Pardo et al.




在此,我们描写一种来自纳米比亚古雅纬度(约南纬55度)早二叠世(约2.8亿年前)沉积物的新的巨型四足动物,Gaiasia jennyae。Gaiasia包罗几个年夜的半联骨骼,其特点是弱骨化的头骨、关节疏松的口盖、宽广的菱形副蝶骨、后凸的枕骨,和扩年夜的、交织咬合的齿骨和冠状齿。



▲ Abstract:

Here we describe a new giant stem tetrapod, Gaiasia jennyae, from high-palaeolatitude (about 55° S) early Permian-aged (about 280?million years ago) deposits in Namibia that challenges this scenario. Gaiasia is represented by several large, semi-articulated skeletons characterized by a weakly ossified skull with a loosely articulated palate dominated by a broad diamond-shaped parasphenoid, a posteriorly projecting occiput, and enlarged, interlocking dentary and coronoid fangs. Phylogenetic analysis resolves Gaiasia within the tetrapod stem group as the sister taxon of the Carboniferous Colosteidae from Euramerica. Gaiasia is larger than all previously described digited stem tetrapods and provides evidence that continental tetrapods were well established in the cold-temperate latitudes of Gondwana during the final phases of the Carboniferous–Permian deglaciation. This points to a more global distribution of continental tetrapods during the Carboniferous–Permian transition and indicates that previous hypotheses of global tetrapod faunal turnover and dispersal at this time2,3 must be reconsidered.


上一篇:米兰-工科女博士写了篇文言文致谢,网友:学材料的,有“才”有“料”!—新闻—科学网 下一篇:米兰-贵州广东5所高校,领导班子调整—新闻—科学网